Welcome to the End-of-the-Year 2024 Newsletter of the

Far North Queensland Harp Connection Inc.

Musings on Harp Happenings in 2024

The year opened with a bang with Canadian harpist Josh Layne’s concert in association with Carter Harps Australia, and Emily Granger gave an inspiring workshop when she visited Cairns with the QSO. 

 Lovely to host both Josh and Emily, and we hope to see you again.  

Loni Fitzpatrick gave a wonderful harp performance at the Cairns Central Library that everyone turned out for.  

Gratitude and appreciation to Cairns Regional Council, Cairns Libraries, CWA Kuranda and Cairns State High School

Music Department for supporting our events, venues and the occasional very special pedal harp.  

Locally, our focus this year was supporting grassroots players with Tea ’n Jam gatherings.

These sessions have been very enjoyable!   We’ve brewed up good connections and sweet harp jams.

We’re also part way through making a bunch of funky cardboard harps for community use.   

In 2025 we can look forward to a Super Creative One-Day Harp Retreat on the Tablelands in July.  

Plus, there are a few lovely undercurrents to keep an ear out for. 

Thank you so much to our wonderful committee, members and community

for coming along and making it all happen.  


Natalia Mann


Photo: Tea ’n Jam, Kuranda CWA Hall

We Remember Andrew Thom Harp - Maker

Andrew Thom was a creative engineer who profoundly impacted the harp community, especially in Australia,

with his innovative carbon fiber harps.

Mr. Thom's harps are masterpieces of art, with beautiful colours, and fluid shapes, a lightness and durability allowed by carbon fibre yet a warm and resonant sound that is almost otherworldly.

His dedication to the craft and to constant innovation was incredible,

he was constantly improving and redesigning his harps and had a wonderful passion for the harp community.  

Mr Thom and his workmanship will be sorely missed in the harp community. 

Vale Andrew Thom.

Photo: Andrew Thom with Loni Fitzpatrick and her harp, Words by Hannah Burnett.

Harping A, round word finding puzzle

Show n‘ Tell:  The Cardboard Harp Project

Some months ago we bought eight cardboard harp kits for very good price, thanks to Andrew Hassall,

but with bits and pieces missing (pins, and strings).  The harp maker in Gordonvale helped us to

put the frames together, big thanks to David Georgeson!  

A few weeks ago, some of us got together and with the help of Kuranda Artist Sandi Steffensen

we ventured into the territory of decoupage.

We figured this might be a great technique to decorate our cardboard harp sound boxes.  

After a wonderfully creative day our sound boxes are now very colourful and artistic indeed.

Another few days were spent with varnishing the sound boxes and the frames and putting the pins in (we had bought some by then) and then the frames were glued to the sound boxes. Here are some of them in their full glory .

Now all we need to do is order the proper strings and all things being equal (which they never are as we all know!) by the beginning of next year we should have eight lovely sounding cardboard harps. Tadaa!!!

Photo: Natalia & SangitWords by Sangit Tafelmaier

Creative Day Harp Retreat Winter 2025

A tropical winter is the perfect time for some artistic relaxation.  

Escape to the Far North with a day of creative harp workshops.  

Nurture your inner harpist- mind, body and spirit.

Coming soon…

Our album

We Wish You A Harpy Christmas’

by FNQ Harp Connection is now streaming on

Youtube, Spotify and AppleMusic

or available for purchase via Bandcamp



As a member of the FNQ Harp Connection, your patronage supports the creation of opportunities to inspire our community.  

Annual $15 membership benefits include discounts for  events, concerts & workshops.

Plus you’ll also have access to advice for all things harp from our supportive network of teachers and peers.

Join now: https://www.fnqharpconnection.org/membership

Far North Queensland Harp Connection Inc. is a local community group who come together

to nurture the harp community and the love of harp playing in far North Queensland.

2024 Committee:

President - Natalia Mann, Treasurer - Bronwyn Turnbull, Secretary - Sangit Tafelmaier

Loni Fitzpatrick, Naomi Jean,  Joy Zahner, Kat Pring, Liza Soenario, Gretchen Dickins

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