FNQ Harp Adventures

While everyone in the south was shivering with the sudden Antarctic draughts, Rhondda Howland and Jill Atkinson escaped to the more balmy climate enjoyed in Cairns and Port Douglas for 8 nights.

This included a fun morning with the Far North Queensland Harp Connection, an enthusiastic group of harp players mostly under the tutelage of Natalia Mann. Running on FNQ time we were relaxededly late in starting, but managed to get everything achieved in the allotted time. And a huge morning tea was very appreciated in typical NQ style! They even had a computer set up so those unable to attend in person could watch online.

The purpose of the day was to take new music and easy jazz to the far flung corners of our state. Rhonnie took most of her 35 original compositions, which by now are very varied but always wonderful, and she was rewarded by selling a good amount to those present, forewarned as they were to bring some ready. Jill showed off some of the newer easier Australian harp compositions for lever harp, and then ventured to show some of the easy-intermediate level jazz pieces available now for lever harp. Many of these are listed in the new AMEB harp syllabus, so there were many reasons for the trip.

Jill also listed some jazz for pedal harp for those wanting to experiment further after the visit. The teachers present were very thankful to be able to see and hear these pieces played up close with additional tips on how to play them from Jill and Rhondda. So much so that we are running a similar workshop for our Brisbane and surrounds teachers and any interested students wanting to expand their harp experience. This will be held on a weekday during the September school holidays, in order that more people can attend.

So please mark the date in your diary now: Wednesday September 21st from 10.30 at the Annerley venue, Brisbane.

To share some of the feedback: Gretchen (who was thrilled when Jill played a piece she has been struggling with) said she found it very satisfying and was practicing her éttouffés non-stop. Others said they felt very lucky to have the exposure to such high quality music with a very down to earth delivery. Natalia herself said she “felt there was a wealth of great music shared, some which I’d known about but not heard, and I found it super valuable and inspiring to hear it all demonstrated live and up close. I loved the way you (Jill) played the jazz pieces. The young kids both especially loved Rhondda’s animals piece.”

From Loni Fitzpatrick, who now lives and works in Port Douglas: “I concur that it was great to hear such
fantastic works in person. I absolutely adore
Rhondda’s compositions, I found them to be so vividly mystical and magical that you could really spark your imagination. She’s like the Beatrix Potter of the harp world!

The spectrum of music for beginners right through to advanced players meant that the workshop was beneficial and applicable to all attendees. I was stoked to have seen so many people attend and also those online, especially the young ones. When I met Jill waaaaay back as a young 1st year uni student I really looked up to her and was in awe of her orchestral skills. I’ve been really fortunate to have her as a mentor for a number of years and now a friend but from the perspective of young “uni me” it’s really important to have access to those people who motivate and inspire you, so it’s wonderful to have the opportunity accessible for the young harpists up here. If I have a feedback suggestion, I’d

say it’d be really great to get Rhondda back up to run a composing workshop. I really enjoyed listening to her explain her ideas when writing pieces. The way she explained things was very clear and inspiring, and perhaps it’d give some young ones the chance to engage in writing some pieces for their instrument using their own imaginations and Rhondda’s expertise. Overall, the day was great and I am so happy we as a community are able to offer these opportunities”.

It was great to reconnect with former Brisbane harpists Joy Zahner and Loni Fitzpatrick, who also hosted us to her place in Port Douglas a few days later for more harping inspiration. And it was the first time I had met Natalia Mann, who is a lovely person doing some great things up in the north” - Jill Atkinson.

This article was first published in the Harp Society of Queensland Harp Beat Issue No. 108 June, 2022, and shared here with permission by the author.   

Top row L-R: Rhondda Howland, Jill Atkinson, Joy Zahner, Bronwyn Turnbull, Sangit Tafelmeier, Gretchen Dickins, Anita Hsu, Natalia Mann. Bottom row L-R: Lily Marmaraino, Lily Gatti, Loni Fitzpatrick.


Juno Lin works her magic on the harps & harpists of FNQHC.


Many Thanks to Cairns Produce